
Cinema program "Her" in Rybnik

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Movie poster Ona
Original title: Her
Runtime: 120 min.
Production: USA , 2013
Category: drama / romance / sci-fi
Release Date: 14 February 2014
Distribution: UIP

Directed by: Spike Jonze
Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Scarlett Johansson

Set in Los Angeles in the near future, the story presented in the film "She" / Her / follows the fate of Theodora (Joaquin Phoenix), soulful and quite complicated guy who makes a living writing another poignant personal letters. Attention seeking a new purpose in life, shattered after a long relationship Theodora returns one day advanced operating system, promising intuitive and exceptional service. The system has its own rules - activating it meets Theodor "Samantha", clear-sounding female voice (Scarlett Johansson), who, as you suppose, is a sensitive, perceptive and funny person. Over time, the needs and desires of Samantha seem to grow, the same applies to the Theodore. This strange friendship soon turns into mutual attraction and love.

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Movie trailer: Her

Your comments

danny 14. February 2014, 22:57

Kiepski film. Odradzam. Szkoda kasy i czasu.

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