Cinema program "Drunk Parents" in Rybnik
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"Drunk Parents"
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Production: USA , 2019
Release Date: 5 July 2019
Distribution: Kino Świat
Directed by: Fred Wolf
Cast: Bridget Moynahan, Alec Baldwin, Salma Hayek
Alec Baldwin and Salma Hayek as parents-partygoers who try to hide financial problems in front of their daughter and a group of nosy neighbors. In addition to Oscar-nominated stars, the cast included, among others, Mike Manganiello, the well-known "Magic Mike" and "Pure Blood", comedian-standup Jim Gaffigan and Bridget Moynahan ("John Wick" series). Fred Wolf, the creator of "Big Children," stood behind the film camera, whose comedies have made a total of over 650 million dollars worldwide!
After sending his daughter back to college, Frank (Baldwin) and Nancy (Hayek) return to their home in the rich suburbs. In the company of vain and jaded neighbors, they do their best to hide the fact that they are completely broke. When the finances of the pair literally reach the bottom, Frank and Nancy come up with a genius plan. They decide for a lot of money to rent a neighbor's house, which left the city for several months of vacation. Crazy idea, instead of easy cash, brings a series of piercing and completely unforeseen events.

Movie trailer: Drunk Parents
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